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Cataract Post-Op


When you return home from surgery, do not use any drops until dinner time. Use all 3 drops at dinner time and again before bedtime. Continue use of all 3 drops, four times per day until the bottles run out or as instructed by Dr Khan. The medications may not finish at the same time; please continue use until all three bottles are done. Allow 2 to 3 minutes between the different drops. There is no specific order in which the eye drops are to be taken.


Effects of Surgery

Your eye may remain dilated for 2 to 3 days after surgery; this is normal. The drops used at surgery are very strong as your eye needs to be dilated to its maximum capacity for the physician to perform the surgery.


A scratchy sensation or grittiness in the eye may occur for a few days after surgery, however this will subside with time. To relieve the symptoms you may use artificial tears.



Wear the protective eye shield for at least 1 week while sleeping. The eye shield is provided by the hospital. However, you must purchase the medical tape yourself to attach the eye shield.




Rub or touch your eye for 2 weeks after surgery.

Get soap or water in the eye for 2 weeks when washing or showering.

Wear any eye make up for 2 weeks.

Lift more than 10lbs for 2 weeks after surgery. Also, avoid prolonged or deep bending.



No swimming or hot tubs for 3 weeks.



No snorkeling for 2-3 weeks.

Scuba Diving

No scuba diving for 4-6 weeks. Please check with Dr. Khan as this can vary for each patient.



If you had no prior restrictions or limitations on your driving, you may resume it after your one day post-op appointment or once you feel you have regained your balance.



You may notice your glasses do not work as well and cause blurring. This is expected. If you require your glasses for the opposite eye you may find removing the lens on the operative side helps this. It will allow for you to still benefit from the correction needed on the one eye without over correcting the surgical eye. Any optical place is able to remove the lens for you if you are not able to do so at home. However, we are unable to provide this service to you in the office.


Patients will see their optometrist or ophthalmologist for a vision check 4-6 weeks after having cataract surgery in their second eye. If glasses are required the optometrist will provide this for you.


Most patients will require reading glasses after cataract surgery. 



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203-1581 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC, V8T 2C1

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